Pasfield Lake is 100% held by Terra Uranium with 7 high priority targets identified

Pasfield Lake Project

  • Pasfield Lake is 100% held by Terra Uranium
  • Significant anomalous geophysical features (>6km) detected across multiple depths and lithologies
  • Interpreted strong conductors and alteration coincident with historical regional geoscience
  • Anomalous dissolved helium level from RC drill hole approximately 234 times greater than background, indicitive of proximal distance to high-grade uranium
  • ANT survey data and modelling shows basement structure and alteration in the sandstone
  • Confirmed surface uranium anomalies across the Pasfield Lake project area
  • Depth to basement is estimated to be 700 to 900m and is possibly shallower closer to surface within the Cable Bay Shear Zone. A major basement disruption in the north is associated with east-west structures and west north-south structures.
  • There has been minimal exploration since 1970’s.
  • Historical surface uranium anomalies are documented at Moss Creek, Colbridge Spring and Hematite prospects.
  • The 1979 drilling at Moss Creek showed anomalous U3O8, Co and Ni at the unconformity which can be projected into T92 ground.